1. Ronald Reagan – I admire Ronald Reagan because he was a great influence on our country and he really made us safer.

2. John F. Kennedy – I admire JFK because he always tried his best to keep us safe and he did an extremely good job on doing so like the Cuban Missal Crisis.

3. George Washington – George Washington is extremely important in our presidents list because he was the start of all of the presidents and changes. Without him, who knows how our country would be?

4. James Madison – James Madison gave us the Constitution and that’s why he is know as the Father of the Constitution.

5. Abraham Lincoln – Abraham Lincoln was a smart president freeing the slaves in the South, even when the South wasn’t connected with the North. a lot of people should and do look up to him.

6. Dwight D. Eisenhower was a great influence on many people of the U. S. and what increased that influence was the fact that he was a Five Star General.

7. Franklin D. Roosevelt – Franklin D. Roosevelt moved many people, especially when they started to find out that he had polio and that he was in a wheelchair for most of his life. including times of being president. I admire how he was president for 4 consecutive terms.

8. Harry S. Truman – What I admire about Mr. Truman, is that he was smart with his plans on how to make our country a better place. I just don’t like how he bombed the Japanese cities.

9. Lyndon Baines Johnson – Lyndon b. Johnson, or LBJ is admired by a lot of people not only because he was a good president, but because he continued John F. Kennedy’s work.

10. Barack Obama – I admire Mr. Obama because of his confidence in his plans for the future and hoiw he knows that we can change our world not only with his help, but also with our help.

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